Archives for November 2013

#29 Random Act of Kindness

How many times have you been in a doctor's office or any waiting room and wish you had something good to read? I'm always looking for current magazines to read to make the time go by a little faster, but sometimes the reading material is very outdated. So, I decided to go through all of my magazines and take them to a doctor's office so they can have some current magazines in their waiting room! (If you do this, don't forget to cut your address off of the front of the magazine!) Be sure to Read More... [Continue Reading]

#28 Random Act of Kindness

I think you have probably figured something out about me, I love animals! I have way too many of them and treat all of my animals as pets because I absolutely adore them! So, for today's random act of kindness I bought dog food and cat food and took it to our local animal shelter. I wish I could have adopted a pet there too, but I don't think my husband would have liked that too much! I would love to hear from you if you have done any random acts of kindness lately! Thank you so much for Read More... [Continue Reading]

#27 Random Act of Kindness

The other day my kids and I went to enjoy the beautiful day we were having at our local park. They love going to the park because they have playground equipment and love hanging upside down like little monkeys on it! Also, they knew that we would be doing another random act of kindness and were happy that they could help me do this one. After enjoying the park, my kids and I took out a ziplock baggie full of coins. We started to spread them around the playground equipment so when the other kids Read More... [Continue Reading]

#26 Random Act of Kindness

At Burger King today, I paid for the car behind me. I know it is something that has been done 100 times, but wonder if it could be done a 1000 times or more! I say there can never be too much kindness! I hope at the very least the car behind me appreciated their order being paid for and hopefully brought some happiness to them! Have you done any random acts of kindness lately? I would love to hear from you if you have! Be sure to check out my initial 37 Random Acts of Kindness post and check Read More... [Continue Reading]

#25 Random Act of Kindness

Today, my kids and I went into the gas station and I let them each pick out a piece of candy. Then I told them to pick out a piece of candy so we can give it to the cashier to have. They giggled because they got to pick out another piece of candy! After we checked out, my son told the cashier that this one is for you from us and in his own version told her about the random acts of kindness that I'm doing. She was amazed, smiled real big and thanked us.  I love doing the random acts of kindness, Read More... [Continue Reading]

Apple Jelly Pokey

I have to tell you, this recipe didn't come out like I wanted it too. However, the recipe is an amazing one that I will make again, just not what I was aiming for. I wanted to make jelly filled donuts, but since it didn't turn out tasting like a donut, I had to find a fitting name for it. Once again my husband helped me name it, so I give you the Apple Jelly Pokey. This is a simple and delicious recipe that is sweet, but not too sweet. I suggest having it as a breakfast treat for some of your Read More... [Continue Reading]