#3 Random Act of Kindness

The easiest act of kindness I think can be done when you go eat at a restaurant. If you have a good waiter, you should always leave a good tip no matter what. However, if you can you can always leave an extra tip above that 20% that you usually leave. For today's act of kindness I decided to leave a larger tip for our waiter. I'm hoping that this extra tip I gave him made his day and at least put a smile on his face. I know he did an excellent job taking care of us while we were at the Read More... [Continue Reading]

#2 Random Act of Kindness

Sometimes the simplest things can be considered as an act of kindness. You can smile at someone, open a door for someone, you name it there are so many ways that you can be kind. This past Sunday we spent the day with family and it was a beautiful day outside so we decided to go to this little park. My kids really enjoyed getting to play there because the pecans were falling from the trees and there was this huge chair that they were climbing on to play King of the Mountain. As we were enjoying Read More... [Continue Reading]

#1 Random Act Of Kindness

A couple of days ago I was with my kids playing my favorite game, yes the grab machine one and of course the animals were just piling up as usual. Then this little girl comes up and wants to play, so we let her because it is nice to take turns! Anyways, she was trying so hard to get this one little stuffed animal in the machine, it was really stuck in there, but she wanted it. She tried a couple of times, didn't get it and ran back to her mom to get more money. So, I stepped up to the machine Read More... [Continue Reading]

37 Random Acts of Kindness

I believe in random acts of kindness, I think that if everyone in the world would do them on a regular basis that we would live in a better world. Random acts of kindness changes you, it changes the way others are. My family and friends have always told me that I'm a lucky person. So much so that my husband bought me a horseshoe necklace that I wear everyday as a symbol of how lucky I am. However, I think all this luck that people think I have is just the kindness I have given coming back to Read More... [Continue Reading]