#1 Random Act Of Kindness

A couple of days ago I was with my kids playing my favorite game, yes the grab machine one and of course the animals were just piling up as usual. Then this little girl comes up and wants to play, so we let her because it is nice to take turns! Anyways, she was trying so hard to get this one little stuffed animal in the machine, it was really stuck in there, but she wanted it. She tried a couple of times, didn’t get it and ran back to her mom to get more money.

#1 Random Act Of Kindness - TheLateFarmer.com

So, I stepped up to the machine and went after the animal for her. By the time she got back I had it in my hands, she looked disappointed because I had it, but little did she know that I was giving it to her. When I gave it to her, she lit up like a Christmas tree she was so thankful for it and very surprised! She immediately ran back to her mom with a huge smile on her face! It made my day to be able to give that animal to her! Also, I love that my kids understand what I’m doing and they are like mom that was so nice of you to give it to her. I’m really hoping to make an impact on my kids who are 6 and 7 years old and hope they will want to give to others like I do!

Happy Birthday RAOK

Guess what? Do you remember me talking about all of those wonderful, kind-hearted, generous sponsors that are helping me out with my 37 Random Acts of Kindness project? Well, today is the start of our first giveaway! Now until November 13, 2013 @ 11:59 PM you can enter to win a NatureBox! If you have never heard of them you should check out their site, they provide a monthly subscription service that delivers delicious and healthy snacks right to your door! Thank you very much NatureBox for sponsoring me and being a part of this wonderful project! Good luck to all of you in the giveaway! (Open to U.S. residents only)

Don’t forget to follow my initial 37 Random Acts of Kindness post and watch out for more giveaways coming soon! You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

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a Rafflecopter giveaway